Passion, commitment and enthusiasm, are things you just can’t buy. Our team combines the depth of experience gained helping build some of the world’s most respected premium haircare and skincare brands, with the managerial and retail experience of running highly profitable hair and beauty salons. We’ve combined our industry knowledge with expertise in Formulation, New Product Development and Sales Promotion to create a unique business concept with amazing potential.
No matter how large or how small you are, U Brand has the product and package solution that’s right for your business. We’ve helped to create some of the biggest brands…why shouldn’t yours be the next?
Contact U Brand and we’ll guide you to the best solution.
Your bespoke, personal cosmetics concierge.
There are many beautiful natural ingredients that can be used to make outstanding hair and beauty products without the need for harsh, man-made or questionable chemicals. We believe that natural is always best, and if we need to create added performance we will revert to science… but with a healthy respect for nature. Our policy is very simple. If it’s questionable…. we just won’t use it!
U Brand is a wholly Australian owned and operated company. Our Products are designed and manufactured in Australia for Australian conditions. Where ever possible we source Australian ingredients over imported. Because our products are manufactured in Australia and distributed throughout Australasia our products also arrive fresher to our customers. Australian made…for Australian conditions.
U Brand uses recyclable packaging that is kinder on the environment. We encourage our customers and the community to think carefully about packaging and to always recycle where ever possible. We aim to reduce our impact on the planet and subscribe to ethical and ecologically aware practices. Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.
U Brand does not test its products on animals. We do not source or use ingredients that we know to use animal testing. We are against animal testing.